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Withers. 50+. Baritone.

Jim Dandy. Late 20s. Tenor.

Moxie Malone. 30. Mezzo/Belter.

Penny Vincent. Early 20s. Soprano.

Ensemble: two men, two women.


Click here for selections from Character Breakdown.


Did Pinocchio make the right choice? Character Breakdown dares to explore that burning question. In this new musical, four fictional characters disappear from the plays in which they exist and are thrust into real-life, 21st Century Manhattan.

There, they can live free of an author’s dictates, free from having to live out the exact same lives over and over each time their play is performed, free to succeed or fail, love or hate, live or die all on their own. Will they choose to go the same way as Pinocchio or will they retreat into the safe, eternal world of their fictional existences? The show follows their adventures en route to making that decision.